In School

In St.Antony’s – Little Mount the differences may be many, but the bond of brotherhood links all together. Openness is a feeling that comes with space. Education broadens the horizon with its ‘exposure’ of knowledge. When the cobweb of ignorance is removed and the light of knowledge pierces through, the darkness of ignorance is driven out. All these are done, without making learning a burden at St.Antony’s

Children enjoy their schooling every single day of their presence in our campus. Children’s freedom and space are respected to enable them blossom into well-groomed individuals who can absorb and assimilate knowledge through a process of self-discovery

St.Antony’s –Little Mount there is a strong relationship between the teacher and students. Teachers are true friends, philosophers and guides to the students. The school has created an atmosphere, where discipline becomes the second nature of the child.

To provide world class education by imparting study skills and life skills, to be a winner in the global society and to face the emerging challenges with leadership qualities including dedication and human values

To provide world class education by imparting study skills and life skills, to be a winner in the global society and to face the emerging challenges with leadership qualities including dedication and human values