
Campus Life Overview:

Education is what one learns and experiences in life. Education is a constant process. With progress comes improvisation and with development in technology comes more exhaustive and in-depth learning. In St.Antony’s , a conducive ambience is created for a healthy education that nurtures a positive outlook and the freedom to think and act in way that is morally becoming of a global citizen with sound Indian values.


Kindergarten being the formative years of developmental stage, our main focus lies on ability based teaching-learning process. The curriculum is designed to cater the needs of 21st century world. Our teams of teachers are trained by Mrs.vinitha philip and the teaching is mainly based on experimental learning. The curriculum is based on the children’s understanding of the world through an integrated and a thematic approach. This includes language development, pre-reading, pre-writing and pre-numerical skills, social and science experiences.

Creative arts, music, dance, rhymes and stories are given importance in the curriculum. The various innovative methodologies like puppets, models, flash cards, songs and rhymes and class room activities are being practiced to teach this age group. Apart from the above mentioned methodologies children are taken out for Field Visits and Resource Room Activities, where they are exposed to Sensory Motor Skills, Developmental Games and Models.

All the Religious, National and International days are celebrated inside the classroom and in the school to make the children experience the value of cultural heritage of all religion and as well as to bring awareness among them.

The classrooms are adequately equipped with developmentally appropriate resources : child furniture for the comfort of the children, racks to keep children’s belongings., learning and teaching materials, toys and play equipment, display boards. Each classroom is provided with state-of-the-art Educomp Smart class Etecs, to promote visual based teaching and the students are always kept engrossed through interactive teaching methodology that ensures their active involvement. Two large activity rooms provided to explore freely and play with their own initiation.

The spacious outdoor space is provided for the vigorous movement and free ply, catering to the safety of children. It is equipped with essential play material to enhance gross motor skills.

Specially designed activity books and creative activity books are provided for children to develop thinking, imagination and creative skills which are very necessary for further learning. Children are being assessed every week in all the aspects like study skills and life skills. The pattern of assessment is through activity sheets and not be terminal exams and evaluation. This pattern continuously checks the development of concepts and skills reducing the burden of the traditional method of evaluation. This comprehensive continuous assessment helps to reflect and evaluate the all-round potential of the children.


Primary as the word conveys is the basic platform of education needed to open the vistas for learning in the child. During this initial stage of learning, the child learns the four ‘Rs’- Reading, writing, Reasoning and Arithmetic.

Students are taught to develop the three ‘Cs’ Confidence, Communication and Competition. The Ideal classroom strength in each class helps the teachers provide individual attention to each student. Each classroom is provided with state-of-the-art Educomp Smartclass Etecs, to promote visual based teaching and the students are always kept engrossed through interactive teaching methodology that ensures their active involvement. These brain compatible colourful primary classrooms provide the right environment to captivate the child and stimulate learning. Activities like story telling, painting, clay modeling and origami not only help children develop creative skills but displays also displays their talents. Project works allocated during the course aimed at teaching students the importance of teamwork.

Higher Classes:

Over the years, with its unstinting service, St.Antony’s has stood firm like the Rock of Gibraltar, providing a strong foundation for the students that is unshakable and that stands the rest of time

Teaching Methodology: The teaching methodology adopted is proactive and ensures active participation of every student in the class. The classrooms in the higher sections have a limited strength that helps the teachers devote personal attention to every child and monitor the progress. The process of learning includes discussions, case studies, investigations, problem solving, role play, project work, field trips and other interactive activities. The student have the advantage of learning some valuable lessons during out of classroom teaching on inter-personal skills, sharing and caring each other. Scientifically devised assessment systems helps the slow learners and take the corrective measures at the earliest. These lessons they retain for their lifetime and they help then face the challenges of the future confidently.